Simple flooding protocol

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Protocol Description

When a node has a message to send, it broadcasts the message. When a node receives a message, it rebroadcasts the message. Each node keeps track of what messages it has seen and only forwards those which it hasn't seen before. Each message is of the form "ID:DATA" where ID is some arbitrary message identifier and DATA is the payload. In order to reduce memory usage, the agent stores only the message ID. There is no mechanism to expire old message IDs from the list of seen messages. There also isn't any mechanism for assigning message IDs.

Simulation model : CMU wireless model

Traceformat: old wireless format

Simulation Parameters

Network Parameter Range Remarks
Number of nodes 2-100 -
Simulation Area 1000m X 1000m -
Mobility model variable -
Node Speed 1-30 m/s (2.23 - 111.84 mph) -
Channel Capacity 1 kbps - 100 Mbps -
Buffer size (IfqLen) 1-100 packets -
Traffic Variable -
MAC 802.11 (with/without RTS/CTS) -
Transmission range 10-500 m -

Current Run(s)

Network Parameter Range Remarks
Number of nodes 51 50 mobile nodes, 1 stationary sink node
Simulation Area 1000m X 1000m square, 20 m bufferzone
Mobility model RandomWaypoint discard 1000sec, pause time 1-5 sec
Node Speed 1-10 m/s (2.23 - 22.36 mph) -
Channel Capacity 1 Mbps wireless channel
Buffer size (IfqLen) 1-10 packets arrival of a new packet at full queue -> drop last packet in queue
Traffic constant message rate per node 1 message/30sec/node; packet size-1500bytes; all messages destined to fixed node
MAC 802.11 (without RTS/CTS) -
Transmission range 100-500 m determines the network density
Performance parameters message delivery ration,delay, buffer usage

Tools used

Functionality Software
Traffic Generation C program
Node Mobility bonnmotion
Routing protocol NS example
Node transmission range threshold utility in ns indep-tools
Tracefile filtering perl scripts
Perfromance plots gnuplot


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