Hc12 environment

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Tool Installation

The easiest way to install these tools is to do so in your home directory (H:\ or Z:\). Create a small application folder for each tool and install the tools in these directories. If installed at EECS there may be warnings about not being able to modify the registry, but these can be safely ignored.


The AxIDE tool is an integrated development environment for the HC12. This software is available on the CD that is bundled with your board. This tool combines both a terminal to interact with the HC12 board along with the ability to assemble and download executables to the board. AxIDE eliminates the need to use both a terminal program and a separate command prompt for compiling code.


TextPad is an excellent text editor that can be used to edit HC12 assembly programs. Additionally, this tool has great support for showing line numbers as well as syntax highlighting. Below is a link to the TextPad website as well as a syntax highlighting file for HC12 assembly that works with TextPad.

To setup HC12 syntax highlighting within TextPad, the following steps must be taken:

  • Download and install TextPad in your home directory (i.e. H:\TextPad\).
  • Download the syntax highlighting file (hc12.syn) and place it in H:\TextPad\Samples.
  • Open up TextPad and select "New Document Class" from the "Configure" menu.
    • Name the new document class "HC12 Assembly".
    • The member files will include all .asm files so use "*.asm".
    • Enable syntax highlighting and choose the hc12.syn file from the list.
  • Now, when you open up .asm files in TextPad they will be syntax highlighted!