EECS 140 Intro proto board

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Introduction to prototype board


Solder power circuit, input switch circuit, output LED circuit and perform initial board test

Pre-lab Work

Go to EECS shop on level 3 at Eaton Hall and check out the following items. You must do this before lab start time so consider coming earlier for the lab.

  1. Digital Probe Kit
  2. Soldering Iron
  3. Safety eyeglass
  4. Wire Cutter (Ask specifically for cutter)
  5. Sponge(Get it slightly wet with few drops of water)

You will need your KUID to check out these items. Items need to be returned after use.

Location: 3060 Eaton Hall

Instructions Manual


NOTE: Insert Jumper (notch side up, easier to move it) for Header Pin 3 and 4 at power circuit @J25. 

Lab report

Write your lab report as per the instructions by TA.