EECS881:TCP Fairness

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This week's lab should be relatively simple if you have fully understood the labs to date.

  1. Download, open, and commit the Lab 3 Experiment File.
  2. Run the trcvrs-2npr and tsndrs-2npr scripts from Lab 2. They should be set up with a 3-second delay between starting the two TCP sessions, and a transmission time of 30 seconds.
  3. Take screen-shots of your bandwidth graph (showing both the beginning and end of the traffic flow).
  4. Submit the Lab 4 Report explaining in your own words why the two flows do not get equal shares of the bandwidth. This should be both in terms of the router configuration AND the TCP protocol behavior. Explain what the implications of this are for TCP use in the Internet.
  5. Enjoy fall break.


  • You should not need to change the experiment configuration to complete the lab, however you will need to add some additional monitoring to understand what is going on.