EECS881:Intro to ONL

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We will be going over the ONL introductory material, going through the examples, and generally making sure everyone is up to speed. You will also be able to get familiar with the lab resources.

Goals for this lab:

  1. Set up accounts on Moodle and enrol in this class.
  2. You should already have your ONL account, but create one if you don't.
  3. Follow Getting Started instructions on ONL website using lab Fedora 7 machines. We are using the NPR routers (not NSP).
  4. Complete NPR Tutorial Example: The Remote Laboratory Interface.
  5. Extend the tutorial example, do something interesting.
  6. Upload screen-shots and text to confirm success.

Notes: The RLI has some bugs, here are workarounds I have found.

  • Bug: Changes to route entries in tables have no effect.
    • Workaround: Delete the route and add a new one instead of modifying an existing one.
  • Bug: Graphs cause 100% CPU utilization and menus stop working.
    • Workaround: Minimize plot windows when not in use.