EECS881:Filters, Queues and Bandwidth

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Lab 2: Filters, Queues, and Bandwidth

Goals for this lab:

  1. Follow the link above and complete the steps shown, including the last section titled "Test your understanding". 5% extra credit for correctly completing the "Bandwidth Sharing Experiments". I recommend starting this lab ahead of time so that you will be ready with any questions during the lab session.
  2. Take screen shots along the way to show your progress.
  3. Upload your lab report to demonstrate completion of the lab assignment.
  4. Don\'t forget about the Helpful Commands from Lab 1.

I\'ve included the basic Dumbbell Topology File to get you started.

Reports are due through the submission form below before the start of the next lab period.


  • Ignore the line "Port 7 Window:" and following bullet points.