EECS881:Auxiliary Filters

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Using an Auxiliary Filter

Goals for this lab:

  1. Complete the example (linked above).
  2. Complete the "Test your understanding" section of the example.
  3. Submit your Lab Report vial email.


  • I did not observe any bugs in doing this lab. You can start with your existing Dumbbell Topology File
  • When setting up the filter there is no "25%" option for the sampling type, set it to "2", which corresponds to a rate of 25%.
  • The path to the nstats plugin is:
  • There is no longer a "PluginCounter" option on the NPR Monitoring menu. It is now in the Operations menu of the Plugin Table window.
  • When changing the sampling rate, again there is no "50%" option, chose "1" instead.
  • The path to the count plugin (as you might have guessed) is:
  • This lab should go fairly quickly as well.