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Due Time
This lab is 7 days 14 days from the start of your lab.
Lab Type
This lab is an individual lab.
MySQL is a database language that allows you to create and populate tables that you can then query in strategic ways. Here the basic hierarchy of a database:
- database
- table
- columns of data (each column has a name and a data type)
- tuples (a row in the table)
- table
Accessing the EECS Databases
Everyone in this course has been granted access to the EECS MySQL servers. You will be given your user name and password by the TA. To access the MySQL server, input the following command:
mysql -h -u username -p
Please see the EECS MySQL reference for more details about the database server. Some important notes:
- Your DBs are not backed up beyond the scope of this course
- You are capped at 10MB
- You cannot store sensitive information on this server
- You all start with an empty database named the same as your user name
MySQL Shell
Once you enter the MySQL, you'll then have to use valid MySQL shell commands. These are different than the commands you'll use to interact with the tables in the database. Unfortunately, awesome things like tab completion isn't available to us, so you'll have to be extra careful when typing commands. If you're lost, type \h to see a list of options.
Selecting a Database
When working from the command line, you needed to make sure to specify which database you are going to be working with. The syntax is shown below:
USE <your login name>;
Create is a command that you can use to create a new table in the database. You need to name the table, define the column names and what type of information each column represents, and what - if any - keys are in the table.
PRIMARY KEY serves as a unique identifier for each tuple or entry. For example, if you have a table of citizens, a column for SSN could serve as a primary key.
Here's an example of creating a table called persons that has an SSN as a primary key:
mysql> CREATE TABLE Persons ( SSN int NOT NULL, LastName varchar(255) NOT NULL, FirstName varchar(255), Address varchar(255), City varchar(255), PRIMARY KEY (SSN) );
NOTE: If you don't add the ';' at the end of the command, you will need to input the'\g' command after.
You can add entries, or tuples, to a table by using the command INSERT. You have to pick a table to insert into, the columns you want to insert data into, and the values for each column. When you insert you are adding a new entry. If you need to update an existing entry, use UPDATE.
Example of add an entry to a table of customers that we assume to exist:
mysql> INSERT INTO Customers (CustomerName, ContactName, Address, City, PostalCode, Country) VALUES ('Cardinal','Tom B. Erichsen','Skagen 21','Stavanger','4006','Norway');
Example from W3Schools
One of the main uses of data bases, aside from having permanent data storage, is to query the database in order to generate reports of the existing data.
The format goes:
SELECT list-of-column-names FROM table-name WHERE criteria
For example, you may have a table of employees and their salaries, and you want to find out who makes more than $50,000. Select would be great for this.
SELECT emp_name,salary FROM employees WHERE salary>50000;
Note: The table might have 10 other columns, but the report we'll get will only keep the name and salary in view. If you want to see all columns, you can use the wildcard character, '*'.
SELECT * FROM employees WHERE salary>50000;
- You can join multiple WHERE clauses using the AND and OR commands
- Example: WHERE salary>50000 AND title='manager'
If you need to change a value in an existing entry, you can do so with the UPDATE command. You need provide update the following information:
UPDATE table_name SET col-name='value' WHERE col-name='value';
- the equal sign operator is used for both comparison in the WHERE clause and assignment in the SET clause
- You can set multiple values, just separate each assignment by a comma
Example from W3Schools:
UPDATE Customers SET ContactName='Alfred Schmidt', City='Hamburg' WHERE CustomerName='Alfreds Futterkiste';
SQL allows you to join tables in order to gain insight into the information. There are several types of JOIN:
- INNER JOIN (also the default JOIN)
In this lab, we will use INNER JOIN. INNER JOIN combines two tables based on some criteria, and the result is a combined listing of all entries from both tables that meet the criteria. In Venn diagram terms, it yields the intersection of two tables.
W3Schools has a great interactive example of an inner join. Here's the command from the example:
SELECT Customers.CustomerName, Orders.OrderID FROM Customers INNER JOIN Orders ON Customers.CustomerID=Orders.CustomerID ORDER BY Customers.CustomerName;
To add some explanation to it, you have two tables, Customers and Orders. The goal is generate a report that show all customer names and order ids. In short, we are printing a list of all customers and the ids of the orders they've made. So we SELECT the CustomerName from the Customers table and the OrdersID from the Orders table, meaning only these columns will show up in the report. The Customers table does not contain any order ids, nor does the Orders table contain the customer names. To get a report that has all this data combined, we INNER JOIN Customers with Orders and the way we match an entry from the Customers table with an entry from the Orders tables is ON the criteria of the CustomerID from the Customers table matching the CustomerID from the Orders table.
The ORDER BY clause is entirely optional, but it does help group all the customers together by name.
Important things to note:
- The syntax of TableName.ColumnName instead of just the ColumnName since the two tables could have a column of the same name.
- Joining does not alter the tables in any way, it simple generates a report for your viewing and analysis
Most of the time, we should to have a unique identifier for each entry in a table. This is what we call a PRIMARY KEY. For example, a table of students could have a student_id as the PRIMARY KEY, or a table of orders could have an order_number. When a table needs to refer to another table's PRIMARY KEY, this is called a FOREIGN KEY. For example, if we have a table of Orders each order would have its unique order_number, but we would also like have a column for customer_id in our Orders table so we can know who ordered what.
Example Orders Table:
order_num customer_id 1 franky97 2 jay321 3 angela31 4 angela31 5 jay321
Note how each order has a unique number, but the foreign key (again, which is a PRIMARY KEY from the Customers table) can be repeated. The FOREIGN KEY also has the benefit of preventing us from putting bad data in our Orders table by requiring the entry for customer_id to exist in the Customers table. In other, we can only make orders for the people listed in our Customers table.
A quick note, for some primary keys you don't really care what the key is as long as it's unique. Take our Orders table for example. The number doesn't have any meaning beyond just being a unique identifier for the order. Just like your SSN doesn't have any meaning beyond being a way to uniquely identify you.
When this occurs, having a PRIMARY that is set to AUTO INCREMENT is very handy. Example.
Other useful commands
- Display a list of table names
- SHOW COLUMNS FROM table-name
- Show list of columns table-name
You can do a lot of other types of comparison. Here's a list of operators.
Commands to be VERY careful
- Used to delete an entry or entries in a table
DELETE FROM employees WHERE ssn='12345'
- USed to remove traits from tables or entire tables.
- Did you read that? A whole table! Gone. Just like that. Be very careful!
- More drop examples
DROP TABLE table_name
- If you want to delete the entries in a table, but not the table itself, essentially emptying the table.
Connecting PHP and MySQL
PHP and other server-side languages have the ability to connect to and query MySQL databases. The information gained from the database can then be combined with HTML in order to create the dynamic web pages you interact with everyday.
Password safety
You can change the password you use to access the MySQL database. I would insists you change it to an unimportant one. DO NOT USE A PASSWORD THAT YOU USE FOR ANYTHING ELSE.'
There are means of tighenting security when it come to password hiding, but for the purposes of this lab, we'll be writing the password in publicly available file. So again, DO NOT USE A PASSWORD THAT YOU USE FOR ANYTHING ELSE.'
Example from
===mysqli=== PHP has a built in class that handles the interaction with a MySQL database called mysqli. (Yep, it's a type but doesn't start with a capital letter. I'll apologize for them.) Here's an example of connecting, checking connection, querying, and displaying the results from the database using mysqli: <?php $mysqli = new mysqli("database_URL", "my_user", "my_password", "database_name"); /* check connection */ if ($mysqli->connect_errno) { printf("Connect failed: %s\n", $mysqli->connect_error); exit(); } $query = "SELECT Name, CountryCode FROM City ORDER by ID DESC LIMIT 50,5"; if ($result = $mysqli->query($query)) { /* fetch associative array */ while ($row = $result->fetch_assoc()) { printf ("%s (%s)\n", $row["Name"], $row["CountryCode"]); } /* free result set */ $result->free(); } /* close connection */ $mysqli->close(); ?>
At construction time, you pass in the URL to the database, your user name, your password (which should be changed by now!), and the name of the database. Recall that the database you've been given has the same name as your mysql user name. Next, we see if we were able to connect (e.g. maybe the network is down, or we misspelled something). We then build a query string; here you are just writing MySQL code. Then, you send the query to the database. The $result variable is an object that will contain all the rows of information. The while, goes through one row from the result at a time.
Where do those array keys come from? Well, those are the column names from your database.
Free dumps the information in $result. Finally we close the connection.
Exercise 1: Setup Database
We are going to create a very basic message board system. We will have two tables, Users and Posts. The users will house the list of users ids. Each user_id will be a unique identifier for a user and can be a series of characters. Posts will contains the posts the users create. Each post will have the content, a post_id, and an author_id. The author_id will reference the user_id of whoever wrote the post. A post_id should be a simple numeric identifier that is automatically chosen by the database. The content will be a series of text, potentially longer than 255 characters.
The following tables:
- Users
- user_id
- Posts
- post_id
- content
- author_id
All you're doing is create tables. That's it.
Exercise 2: Create User Interface
Files needed:
- CreateUser.html
- CreateUser.php
Using HTML forms again, create a simple frontend that allows the user to create a new user to store in the database. A simple text field and submit button will do. When the users submits, the backend should tell the user if the new user was successfully stored in the database.
The new user should not be stored if:
- The user left the text field empty
- The user already exists
Note: The msqli.query($query) method returns, essentially, false if it does not work.
Exercise 3: Create Posts Interface
Files needed:
- CreatePosts.html
- CreatePosts.php
Create a simple form for the user to give their user name and to write a post. When the user submits the post, the backend should tell the user if the post was saved or not.
The post should not be saved if:
- The post has no text
- The post was not written by an existing user
Administrator Interaction
Required Files Overview:
Exercise 4: AdminHome.html
This should be a series of links to the various administrative pages you will create. You can link directly to ".php" files.
Exercise 5: ViewUsers.php
Display a table of all users.
Exercise 6: ViewUserPosts
Required Files:
- ViewUserPosts.html
- ViewUserPosts.php
Populate a drop down list with all the users
- For this drop down box, you'll need to inject some PHP in your frontend.
When had has chosen a user and clicks submit, the backend will display a table of all the posts that user has made.
- Github URL
Exercise 7: DeletePost
Bring down the mod hammer!
Required Files: DeletePost.html DeletePost.php
The front end will show a table that has a column of posts, authors, and a column of checkboxes in with the heading "Delete?".
The admin should then be able to click the boxes of any posts he/she wants to delete. When the admin clicks submit, all the checked posts should be deleted and a confirmation displaying the post ids of all the deleted posts.
- [15pts] Exercise 1
- [15pts] Exercise 2
- [15pts] Exercise 3
- [5pts] Exercise 4
- [10pts] Exercise 5
- [20pts] Exercise 6
- [20pts] Exercise 7