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Due Time
This lab is due 7 days from the start of your lab session.
Lab Type
This lab is an individual lab.
This lab will be an overview of the server-side language, PHP, and a database language, MySQL.
Before Starting
Since PHP is run serverside, all code must be run from the EECS website to verify functionality.
In the root of your public_html folder create a helloWorld.php file and add the following:
<?php echo "<p>Hello, World!</p>"; ?>
Then try to access
If the words "Hello World!" appear, your public_html directory is correctly
Embedding PHP code in a .html file
You can write chunks of php code, surround by the <?php ?>, inside an html file, but you have configure your public_html folder to do so. Sometime you may want to write php embedded in HTML and other time you might want to just echo out HTML through PHP.
Create a file, if it is not already there, called .htaccess inside of your public_html folder. Edit that file and add the following line:
AddHandler application/x-httpd-php .html
Save and Exit the file.
Basic Syntax
PHP has a lot of syntactically similar to C++ and Java. Some very important differences:
- All variables begin with a $ (e.g. $x)
- Variables don't have to be declare before using them
- Variables are dynamically typed, meaning a variable can be a number on one line, then a string on the next
$x = 10; $x = "words";
PHP still has if, loops, methods, and classes. I'll leave you to the references for examples and further syntactical details.
Print HTML
PHP stands for "Hypertext Preprocessor". And Hypertext is in reference to the 'H' in HTML. In other words, the goal of PHP is be a programmatic way to generate HTML. How does this work? Let's see.
First, here's is a basic printing statement:
echo "Hello, world!";
But you can echo anything, even HTML.
In your HTML file, load the PHP file using a line similar to the following:
<?php include 'myfirstprogram.php';?>
Here's a sample program that can print a series of sums.
<?php //Inside myfirstprogram.php function sum($x, $y) { $z = $x + $y; return $z; } echo "5 + 10 = <b>" . sum(5, 10) . "</b><br>"; echo "7 + 13 = <b>" . sum(7, 13) . "</b><br>"; echo "2 + 4 = <b>" . sum(2, 4) . "</b>"; ?>
Error Reporting
Should you need to, you can add the following code at the top of your PHP script (inside the <?php ?> still) to output possible errors.
error_reporting(E_ALL); ini_set("display_errors", 1);
If your PHP script displays no output, look for possible syntax errors. PHP will not display anything if there is a syntax error. If your PHP code is displayed instead of being run, make sure the code is in your public_html folder and you are accessing the page from your address.
Exercise 1: Multiplication Table
Create a php program that displays a 100x100 multiplicatation table. The first row and first column should be the 1...100 and the inner parts of the table should be the multiples. Below is an ascii approximation:
1 2 3 4 5 ... 100 1 1 2 3 4 5 2 2 4 6 8 10 3 3 6 9 12 15 . . 100
Remember, you'll be creating and populating an HTML table, not just printing text values. This means adding tags.
HTML Forms
PHP combined with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript can make for some very powerful web pages. We will setup some basic HTML front-ends and PHP back-ends.
Contents of the HTML Front-end:
- Form tag
- defines (as its attributes and values)
- Where to send the data
- How to send the data (via the get or post method)
- surrounds
- Input tags (has name attributes that will be the keys in the array PHP receives)
- Submit button (triggers submission)
- defines (as its attributes and values)
Simple form (HTML front-end):
<html> <head> </head> <body> <form action="myBackend.php" method="post"> Name: <input type="text" name="name"><br> E-mail: <input type="text" name="email"><br> <input type="submit"> </form> </body> </html>
Simple form (PHP back-end):
<?php //access the global array called $_POST to get the values from the text fields $name = $_POST["name"]; $email = $_POST["email"]; echo "Name: " . $name . "<br>"; echo "Email: " . $email . "<br>"; ?>
Exercise 2: Quiz
Required Files:
- Quiz.html
- Quiz.php
This HTML file will consist of the following:
- At least five question that are multiple choice
- Each question must have four possible answers, the answers will be in the form of radio buttons like this picture
- Below the question there will be a single submit button labeled “submit quiz”
This file will grade the quiz.
You must display the following to the user:
- All of the questions
- Their answers
- The correct answer in the form:
Question 1: What was the capital of Spain? You answered: Lisbon Correct answer: Madrid
- The total they answered correctly
- Their score in a percent
- if they get all questions write they receive a 100%, if they only get 1 right that’s a 20%, etc
Exercise 3: Web Store
Customer Interaction
Required Files Overview:
- customerFrontend.html
- The form the user interacts with to make purchase choices, give a user name and password, and choose shipping options
- You will get to decide what your store sells, but you need to sell at least three items of different prices
- You will need to offer 3 types of shipping (radio buttons are great for this):
- Free 7 day
- $50.00 over night
- $5.00 three day
- Reset button
- Submit button
- HINT: to give javascript the ability to stop submission, use the event onsubmit
- style.css
- Styles the store file (including the backend!)
- formChecker.js
- Validates the input from the customer before submitting
- Quantities cannot be blank or negative (zero is fine)
- User name must be in the form of an email address (
- password field cannot be blank
- We do not have a database to check against, the password can by anything
- They must pick a shipping option
- customerBackend.php
- Processes the purchase
- Prints a welcome message to the user and displays their password (never do this in production!, this is only practice to get used to transmitting form information)
- Prints a receipt
- [20pts] Exercise 1
- [30pts] Exercise 2
- [50pts] Exercise 3
- Github URL
Exercise -1: Accessing the EECS Databases
Before you go, please access the MySQL servers by following the instructions below:
Everyone in this course has been granted access to the EECS MySQL servers. You will be given your user name and password by the TA. To access the MySQL server, input the following command:
mysql -h -u username -p
Please see the EECS MySQL reference for more details about the database server. Some important notes:
- Your DBs are not backed up beyond the scope of this course
- You are capped at 10MB
- You cannot store sensitive information on this server
- Do not change your password to be a password you use for anything else
- You all start with an empty database named the same as your user name
MySQL Shell
Once you enter the MySQL, you'll then have to use valid MySQL shell commands. These are different than the commands you'll use to interact with the tables in the database. Unfortunately, awesome things like tab completion isn't available to us, so you'll have to be extra careful when typing commands. If you're lost, type \h to see a list of options.